What Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Spinal stenosis, then, is a narrowing of spinal canal- area where spinal cord and nerves travels from brain to legs. When this area becomes narrower, spinal cord and nerves can get pinched and squeezed.
What's causes Lumbar spinal stenosis?
Spinal stenosis is either due to degeneration, disease or injury to the spine. A most common cause of spinal stenosis is degeneration wear and tear on the spine due to aging, which causes the cartilage that cushions joints to degenerate, disc to bulge and facet joints to enlarge with bulging discs, herniated discs, or injury to the spine and ligaments becoming tauter, due to age. Some patients are genetically more prone to stenosis which is called primary or congenital stenosis. They may have more osteoarthritis in their family.
What are some non-surgical ways to deal with Lumbar spinal stenosis?
Non-surgical treatment options for spinal stenosis:
Physiotherapy in consultation with your spine specilaist or spine doctor is the recommended therapy with exercises to strengthen the muscles around your spine.
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) in consultation with spine specialist that will help reduce the inflammation and pain.
Physical therapy – Back extension exercises and abdominal exercises
Epidural steroid injection in spine given by spine doctor or spine specialist decrease the inflammation of the nerve roots.
Treatment options are plenty and shall be planned only in consultation with the spine specialist doctor.
Will I need surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stnenosis ?
Spine surgery for spinal stenosis by your spinal surgeon is better than non-surgical options if –
Severe back pain, Buttock pain disabling, Leg pain, leg numbness, and tingling legs which prevent normal lifestyle.
Loss of sensation/ motor strength/ progressive weakness in legs or loss of sensation in bowel and bladder.
What kinds of surgery are used for spinal stenosis?
Spinal stenosis surgery or Lumbar Spinal Stenosis surgery by spine specialist comprise of –
Decompression: Freeing the nerve from external compression in Spine.
Stabilization: Prevention of painful movement by spinal implant insertion and putting graft for fusion.
Is Spinal Surgery for Spinal Stenosis Safe ?
Yes. Spinal Surgery for Spinal Stenosis is done with Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery technique using a microscope. Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Spinal Stenosis and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery for Slip Disc is extremely safe and predictable results are obtained.
How fast is the recovery after spinal surgery ?
Recovery after Microscopic spine surgery and endoscopic spine surgery for slip disc and spinal surgery for spinal stenosis is extremely safe and fast. Patients do not need bed rest after discharge or surgery and can return to work in a couple of days with instructions.
Which surgery is safe – Open or Minimal Invasive spine surgery ?
Both surgeries are safe for spinal stenosis and Slip Disc. Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery has benefits of small incisions, less pain, less blood loss , fewer infections, and early discharge and no bed rest after the surgery is needed.
Is BED REST after spinal surgery /spine surgery required?
NO. After Spine surgery for spinal stenosis surgery, No bed rest is required. It is recommended that patient should walk routinely and do some stretching exercises. After KEY HOLE SURGERY, no bed rest is required and one can resume work soon.
Who is the Best Spine Surgeon in Mumbai for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis ?
Dr. Vishal Kundnani is one of the best Spine surgeons for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery and is available in Mumbai, Raipur, Bhopal, Jaipur and western suburbs of Mumbai on appointment. Dr. Vishal Kundnani is one of the Best Spine Specialists with a considerate approach to patients with an honest opinion and ethical spine practice. Dr. Vishal Kundnani is the Best Microscopic Surgeon/Best Minimal Invasive Spine Surgeon for slip disc surgery in Mumbai.